Sunday, December 5, 2010

What does victory from defeat others

Presidential Election and the vice president was over yesterday, all the actions related to the campaign must be stopped so that the nation Indonesia relax for a moment not merely see the tension of political officials who fights everything to win and as much as possible to avoid defeat than anyone else his political opponents, not my own understand if the top leaders seemed her ambition to become leader of the till in his heart what the president meant and what it means for them, because according met me that leadership means service to those in the lead, if it turns out he won and was elected (in an honest ) means that he does have something that makes people believe, and if you lose it means they need introspecting themselves whether he deserves to be a leader ..
Stop dreaming that the office of the state leadership is an ambition to win and reach an ego, personal power, and start the action to show the work and sincere devotion to the people with the necessary and aakan chosen and beloved people, just as well as Iranian president Ahmadinejad David's simple, he elected by the will and love of people, not because of the massive campaign.

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